Memories! Memories! Memories! flooded by them. A simple walk down a corridor was all it took. Somethings had changed – change is a must. But a lot of things now made sense, which never did – not this way.
The ‘I’ was moulded here. That was such a revelation because the thought never crossed my mind about the extent and influence. After school was college then post grad then job – well duh ! So caught up in the race that to give thought about the ‘who’ in me was never up on the priority list.
Stepping into those corridors, walking down the buildings, strolling the grounds just brought back so many memories and – Friends !! They were such an important part of me. But ‘how important’ in my growing years, influencing my thoughts and shaping the who in me struck me then. We are so alike – and so so different and then so alike.
Through the differences, insecurities, competition an attitude was born. To be tough on yourself, perfection, appreciation of art and literature, creating things using own two hands and questioning everything that is thrown at you are qualities that all of us share. Maybe in different degrees to be fair.
But then all of us together there at the reunion – such a fantastic lot. Achievers in our own rights with so much to be proud about. Much more maybe of friends’ achievements than own. But proud nonetheless. All through the banter, hugs and reminiscences I realised that the ‘who I am today’ owes so much to my school and my friends. Much more then I ever gave credit for.
So thank-you friends. You may not realise but you do make a difference.
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