It is said that the world is a school and life is a teacher. A school teaches and examines while life teaches through the tests it takes!!
I remember once our class was called back from the sports ground and given a surprise grammar quiz. We all had returned grumbling. In my keenness to finish and get back to the games I scored 10 on 10. What fun :- ). While checking my answers, smiling my teacher had said – I always knew you could do it.
There was never an occasion at school when I was told you can do better than x, y or zee. I was always told you are capable of much more. Today I realize this is so very important. My school taught me there is no competition in life; nobody but you are your competition.
Whenever I recollect my time at MIS, I am surrounded with such a warm embrace. My school, all the teacher’s loved me, helped me, nourished me so I flourished. Thank you MIS, thank you dear teachers.
It is thanks to you that I believe in Conscious Living. Every day we go through life; we strive do so much. As individuals whatever we do is either an experience with nature, people, things or ourselves. We play our roles, we interact with people, work at office, do chores at home, socialise, exercise, pray, holiday, shop, relax, sometimes we just be; and all the while we are conscious.
In each of these experiences our endeavour is to improve, to live with enhanced awareness. We are conscious beings; we dream, mediate, think, trust and love.
Every moment gives us the opportunity for conscious living. A living that is conscious about the wellbeing of our physical, psychological and social world. A living that is increasingly aware of the impact it has on health, environment and society.
Every individual’s thoughts and experiences make a difference. So let us live consciously.
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